Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A sense of satisfaction

I survived my adventure as a keynoter in our 10Tech Summer Conference. Feedback for this and for the blogger class was positive and I really enjoyed the enthusiasm of those in the blogger class. During that short period of time we added about fifteen people to the list of bloggers, many already with their first post. That was exciting to experience.
I can't believe that I would actually include a picture of myself during the conference. When I first started this blogging journey it would have never entered my mind. I am basically a pretty private person who keeps these kinds of thoughts to myself. Since becoming a blogger, I have experienced a change in my willingness to share these private thoughts. I don't know why or when, but gradually over time it has happened. Anyone else experienced this kind of change?
It was great to see over 100 of our staff give up one of the first real summer days we have had to share in this learning opportunity. We are blessed in our system to have committed, wonderful people to work with. It makes this difficult work possible.
Thank you Kimberly for challenging, encouraging, and supporting me as I continue my learning journey and for the wonderful job you have done with this first summer conference for us.

1 comment:

Ethan Smith said...

I have. The change has not been like the consequences of flipping a light swith. It has been more like the consequences of adjusting a thermostat. I still have a way to go in matching my actions to my beliefs. But my beliefs have definitely changed. You have modeled for us over and over again making your own private thoughts public. You have reinforced the importance of this time after time. It has sunk in with me.