Sunday, February 7, 2010

More NEWS news . . .

Mary Jane, Bruce and I spent the day in Olympia listening to legislators and others update us on the session and the potential impacts on public schools. Yes, I missed much of the Super Bowl getting home just in time to see the Saints interception return for a touchdown with about three minutes left. Congratulations Saints!

Before leaving this morning I learned at the League of Education Voters Blog that the governor was considering her options in light of the decision in the NEWS lawsuit. In the same post they shared that 31 members of the state house have sent her a letter urging her and the attorney general not to appeal the decision. This is a big deal as we heard today from Foster Pepper PLLC lead attorney for the plaintiffs, Thomas Ahearne, that an appeal would not be heard for at least eighteen months. Even with this move, he expects an appeal to be filed to delay the need for the legislature and governor to comply with the judge’s ruling.

Ahearne was informative and entertaining as he shared how they used the documents prepared by the state to prove the funding inadequacies. In all, there were 1652 exhibits presented at trial. We are learning that the ruling is very positive as the judge defined what basic education is and is not and further clarified what the words paramount, ample, and education in the state constitution mean. You can find a link to the judge’s ruling here.

The most important message that we heard today was very simple. Last month the legislators took an oath to uphold the laws and constitution of the State of Washington. Last Thursday they learned that the way they fund public education in our state is unconstitutional. Will they honor this oath by making good faith efforts to increase state funding for schools such as that found in HB 2776? Or, will they ignore the judge’s decision and continue to cut funding as presented in the governor’s proposed budget?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want to be positive and hope that they follow through, but it is not likely. Education will be thwarted again. Most politicians run on a positive education ticket and it is ALWAYS one of the first things they cut. It is likely they will do it again and not even worry about their oath.... our issues are only important during election times to get votes! But, there is always fresh hope....someday they will see education as a valuable investment.