Thursday, April 21, 2011

Oh no, another update . . .

Are you getting tired of the focus on the bond? Perhaps the following information will create some comfort and energy or, on the other hand, it might just increase your anxiety. The latest update is as follows.

Spring 2010 Count                    Spring 2011 Count
       6079                                            8157

We have over 2000 more returned ballots for this election then we received at the same time for last spring’s levy election. I see this as a very good sign, but I can’t celebrate because of the anxiety and unknowns. Are these people who support schools, but didn’t bother to vote last year? Are they people who want to make sure they vote this time because of concern with increased taxes in these difficult economic times? Is it some of each and how many of each? I can answer yes to each question which only increases the anxiety. The one thing that we do know is that there is greater interest in this election. I choose to see this as positive and want to see the gap increase.

Only five more days and I can turn my attention to other issues such as following the journey of our state champion We the People Team and our Robotics team as they compete at the national level.

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