Monday, October 24, 2011

I'm stepping up . . .

As always, Scott had an informative and thoughtful comment on my last post about the state PTA placing charter schools on their legislative agenda.  He shares information about the process used by the organization to complete their legislative agenda and also a link to a sight showing member priorities.  He also shares his thinking about how it became a priority through special interests at the state assembly even though it did not emerge as such in membership voting.

The thoughtful part of the comment is his personal thoughts about the decline of T in PTA.  He shares how he needs to step up, be more visible, and participate in the conversation. Yes, I agree that we should.  I also know that in our district these groups are very supportive and raise considerable amounts of money that go back into our schools to support teachers and students.  They do this while also giving hundreds of hours of volunteer time and ask nothing in return, yet we don't see large numbers of staff joining the organization.  So, an additional way to to participate would be by signing up and becoming an active PTA member; something that I know they would appreciate.  I am going to take my advice and do just that and encourage you to also consider it.

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