Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Repeating my message . . .

Today's Seattle Times had an editorial supporting a number of the "reform" bills coming out of the Senate Early Learning and K-12 Education Committee.  I won't take the time to comment on or share the five bills they are endorsing other than to repeat my request for stability.  At this time, when we are already engaged in major change initiatives (TPEP and Common Core), we don't need additional requirements or mandates placed upon us.  We need the opportunity to focus our energy and resources on creating the support structures necessary for students, teachers and principals to meet the demands that these initiatives have placed upon our system.

Legislators read these editorials and opinion pieces such as the one from Michelle Ree in today's Times about the Seattle teacher boycott of MAP assessments and see them as supportive of the need for reform.  They need to also hear from those engaged in the work.  We are also now getting to the place in this session where budgets are being crafted behind closed doors.  This is an important time to share your message related to education funding with your legislators in Olympia.  As you craft this message, please consider adding a request for stability instead of new reforms.

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