Friday, January 17, 2014

Great music, good cause . . .

This evening at Tahoma Middle School was the annual music staff concert to raise money for the Mary Lou Harting Scholarship fund.  As always, I thoroughly enjoyed the music and audience engagement.  We are blessed to have committed educators who are also gifted musicians.  Once again the only negative was not filling the venue to both enjoy the music and raise additional scholarship funds.  I guess I could add to that the reminder by an unnamed Shadow Lake staff member that this would be MY LAST concert as superintendent.  As Bruce told me it would be the year is flying by.

Sorry for the quality of the pictures, the camera phone didn't do well with the floor lighting on the stage.  This is our Board President, Mary Jane Glaser, starting the evening.  Mary Jane is also the founder of the Maple Valley Creative Arts Council and the vision behind this concert.

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